Outside my inside

Outside my inside there is a whole new world.

Outside my inside you’d never know it was me.

Inside my outside there is a whole new world.

Inside my outside you’d never know it was me.


Outside is the person who nods and agrees.

Inside is me, the person, wondering what?!

Outside are the words and social signals.

Inside I’m wishing for a translator or two.


Outside is the wishes and dreams of you all.

Inside are my secret dreams and prayers.

Outside is loud and insistent, strident too.

Inside they whisper, like fabric on skin.


Outside I make the right moves and noises.

Inside I fear that I’ll never quite get ‘it’.

Outside everything seems so, you know.

Inside everything is not what it seems.


Outside you see what you need to see.

Inside I nurture what I need me to be.

Outside you see me dancing silent,

Inside I am moving to an orchestra!


Outside my inside is a world I don’t know.

I live there, yes, and yet I wonder if

My inside left that outside place

would you miss me?


With Real Toads challenge…my version!


  1. ella said,

    April 27, 2012 at 3:28 am

    YOU would be missed, you wouldn’t be you! I love the in and outside of your mind back n’ forth! It was interesting to read and so much of what you said, speaks the universal truth. We all question ourselves!
    Thought provoking!

    • shanyns said,

      April 27, 2012 at 4:03 am

      Ella – thank you! Love that you stopped by and left these words that encourage me so!

  2. April 27, 2012 at 6:05 pm

    You would be missed, yes. It`s so difficult at times to not be the person you always thought you were going to be. Wife, then mother, seems to take precedence over every aspect of a married woman`s life and she is the one who is expected to `change`and adapt to life on 24/7 call.
    I feel all of your frustrations in this and yet, you love them and wouldn’t wish it any other way but, your writing is one of your saving graces, too and, blesses us with its sharing..keep writing 🙂

    • shanyns said,

      April 27, 2012 at 6:48 pm

      Ah this blesses me thank you! Your words are wonderful, and encouraging! You are so right about not changing, and thank you for the boost. I’ll keep writing, I promise!

  3. butterflybiblestudies said,

    April 27, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    I would miss you Shanyn….great insight (outsite) poem! Pam

    • shanyns said,

      April 28, 2012 at 2:17 am

      Pam – thank you! I’d miss you too! Thanks for the encouragement, glad you enjoyed the insight and outsight!

  4. ManicDdaily said,

    April 28, 2012 at 1:13 am

    Great questions! I know how that feels! Take care. K.

    • shanyns said,

      April 28, 2012 at 2:16 am

      Thanks, and it sure is good to know you know how that feels!

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