Seeding Poetry


It’s a Bourgot, well whaddya know?

9000 acres yet to go…seeding whoa!

Got half done and the rain came down.


Standing in the sun’s half light.

Supper at dusk, seeding half the night.

Driving through the dust, it’s gotta go!


Night shift is when the wrecks come.

They sure ain’t a lot of fun, son.

It’s a Bourgot, well whaddya know?


Doing some slant poetry for Meeting At The Bar.  Because I missed Poetics, “It’s Quoteable” with Mary I have submitted a late one below.


This is one of my husband’s favorite farming songs, by a Canadian band:


Thank you Lord, for the blessings in our lives.

For those things which You bless us richly.

That we do not deserve, nor are worthy of.


Thank you Lord, for the blessings in our lives.

Those things which make us stronger, better.

That which gives us character and scars too.


Thank you Lord, for the blessings in our lives.

Those things which we worry about, and pass us by.

Those things which never pass, and leave us in peace.


Thank you Lord, for the life and the way of life.

The land, the animals and our family together.

Those things which witness to Your greatness.


This is part of our family, poeticized and lengthened. Enjoy!


And my quote, from that song,

Thank you lord for the sun
For giving life to the seeds I sow
It’s the only life I know
Thanks again for the rain
For giving hope to the work I do

Get out of the boat

Inspired by Matthew 14:22-33.  Please feel free to read before, or after! 


Reach Your hand to me, oh Lord.

Touch me so that I won’t sink in.

Raise my face to Your eyes.

Touch my spirit so I can rise!


Walk me across the water, oh Lord!

Blind me to all but Your hand.

Watch my steps, let me falter not.

Blind me to all but each step ahead!


Lord, before all of that, please God.

Let me hear Your voice calling me.

Lord, draw me to You, wherever.

Lord, tell me, “Get out of the boat!”


Jesus, You never fail us. We fail us.

God, Your promises never break.

People, we fail, we break, we sink too.

We can’t walk on the water unless we

get out of the boat!

Sunday Psalm

Bloody linens drape on cold stone.

Angels break into holy grins.

He is risen! He is risen!

Women go to the tomb mouring.

They leave dancing in joy.

He is risen! He is risen!

Unbelieving Disciples tremble.

They long to touch Him.

He is risen! He is risen!

The hope of the world arose.

Death defeated forever.

He is risen! He is risen!

Creation dances every spring.

Remembering this holy day.

He is risen! He is risen!


Did you touch His side? 

Did you probe His hands?

Were you blessed by seeing

or by believing in your heart?

Did you touch the stone?

Still warm from Heaven’s hand.

Were you blessed by seeing

or by walking in the empty tomb?

Did you long for the sound?

Angels laughing from heaven!

You are blessed! You are blessed!

He loves us. He loves us.

Easter Sunday, attempt at the With Real Toads prompt.  Have a blessed day!