Growing over a broken branch



Like a tree grows over a broken branch,

We grow over our broken parts into

a new and stronger whole. Something

new built on the old. Stronger. More us.




Sometimes I reach with one foot.

Past the tangle of sheets to find you.

A touch, warmth, your breathing a

sigh – and we settle back to sleep.


Watching the snow melt on your

gloves and hat reminds me of the

fun we just had playing in the snow.

Joyful noises from boys and dogs.


A .12 gauge plunger, Lego “Awesome”

Big and little, “Where are my pants?”

Farts, toy cars, tech toys and guys.

“Mama can you…” and “Honey where…”

Life always equals more than the parts.

Memories lose their bitter to be sweet.


I’m hosting at the dVerse Pub for Poetics this weekend. We are telling love stories, and sharing love poems, without using love language or being too sappy. Enjoy. Come over and see the amazing poets who have shared. Share your own. And leave love. Always leave love.

Outside my window



Outside my window winter lingers long.

Birds eat and rest, fluff and bring me song.

Outside my window the wind blows strong.

We stay inside, warm and safe where we belong.

Outside my window adventures and chores come along.

We bundle up and brace ourselves – oh be strong!

Outside my window a warm day temps invisible long.

We dress up and head outside to laugh to the wind song.



th Charge the batteries, and get the quad going strong.

Tie the ropes to to the hood, hold on boys, we gone!

Charge the batteries, and get yourself going along.

Roll in the snow, dance in the drifts and sing a fun song.

Charge the batteries, and get past the windows long.

Get outside and find out where in the winter we can belong.

Charge the batteries, the sun is hiding but warmth is on!

Wind may blow but cheeks will glow, we love this winter song.

Charge the batteries, get fired up to play along.

We are gonna be wet and cold and happy, c’mon!

I’m hosting at dVerse for #Poetics, and we are writing about what we see outside our windows. I’m late linking up due to technical difficulties last night, and the temptation of a warm day to play outside today! 🙂 Forgive me for being tardy, I’ll be by to visit your posts. Thank you for coming to visit mine!

Basking in the Christmas Spirit



Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

The glow of the lights on an early

Christmas morn lighting up a joy

filled young face still full of wonder.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

The lights glow out the window

coloring the grey plumed birds

feasting messily at our feeders.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

Nativity reminds us of the ultimate

gift, the King born as humble as He

could be, born to serve, born to save.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

Releasing expectations, settling for

joy and bliss, food and fun and Lego,

and books and naps. Always naps.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

The early rising boy, joy filled face

lit by the colored lights, as he finds

his wonder once again under the tree.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

Mocha in hand, slippers on feet, as

we watch the unwrapping as the

snail bread warms and we rest.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

Heads bowed in prayer, thankful

and joy filled, knowing that we can

keep this spirit all year long. We can!


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

Wishing joy across the miles and

across the fields to those we love

and glasses raised to those gone.


Basking in the spirit of Christmas.

Laughing at movies, playing games,

naps sprawled wherever they find us

and waking to the lights of the tree.


Our last dVerse before our Holiday Break and we are wishing you the best of the season, however you celebrate, and some will be sharing on their blogs – be sure to follow, subscribe or keep track of them on Twitter and Facebook.  Thanks to everyone who has visited this year, for those who left comments and for those who joined in the prompts and discussions. You make this community of poets stronger each time you do!  Be well and be brightly blessed!