Some Body

Some body you have there.

My growing up boy.

Learning muscles and balance.

Dancing, running and playing.

Some body you have there.

My sweet husband, Daddy man.

Big and strong, gentle and kind.

Working, playing and loving.

Some body you have there.

Imperfect Mama shape.

Round from baby, strong from life.

Carrying, holding and doing.

Some body you have there.

The one you were given.

The only one you get.

Love that body, imperfect and yours.

For Fireblossom Friday at With Real Toads.  Copyright 2012 Shanyn Silinski

Right Here, Right Now

Right here, right now I am watching blackbirds.

Right there, right now she wrests with a narcotic slumber.

Ravens play with  dead muskrats and dogs roll in mud.

She asks about long gone pets and asks about a boy she loves.

Right here, right now the rain battles with spring snow.

Right there, right now her body deserts her spirit by giving up.

My son mourns as only a small boy can and I weep for my friend.

Her partner, their love so new, holds her hands and wipes her brow.

Right here, right now the dead flowers seem to hold no seeds of promise.

Right there, right now their spring is in full blossom and she can’t see it.

Fifteen years of friendship make memories that last a life time.

How can we forget a face and a voice that lives in our hearts?

Right here, right now my mind and spirit conflict.

Right there, right now she waits to meet her Lord.

Memories weigh more when you know there are no more.

The stories have to last us now, there won’t be new ones.

Right here, right now a heart breaks and a soul rejoices.

Right there, right now a hand holds a photo in a frame.

We won’t forget. We’ll miss you. We love you.

Love you, right here. Right now.

For my dear friend Diana and for those who love her, especially you Rich.  Run free wolf sister.  Beloved Nana.

Copyright 2012 Shanyn Silinski

Linking up on dVerse for the prompt today – Live in the Moment

Linking up with my friends at With Real Toads for yesterday’s Poem Sketch Challenge

Reflections of spring

Early spring melt reveals

spiderwebs from the floating in fall

sunshine encourages buds

warm air dances

and chilly rain falls

it is still early spring.

Spring sunshine shows

how the earth tilts

sun further away now

but the rays more direct.

Raindrops run down backs

shivers run down necks

Better than snow

they say.

It is true.

Early spring aches of hope.

Shivers in the sunshine.

Dances in the rain.

Bursts forth with birds and song.

Copyright 2012 Shanyn Silinski.

Linking up at dVerse Poetics.  Check for more great poems and poets!

Once upon a time

Once upon a time she dream’d of unicorns and dragons.

She danced with wolves and screamed with eagles.

Her elvish sword sharp and bright as her words and wit.


Once upon a time she wove a world of dreams and magic.

She raced dark horses through the night and raven sang.

Her magic torques gleamed with green and cold silver.


Once upon a time she sought a mate for a warrior queen.

She searched the land for a knight a shining and riding.

Her dreams weaving him from strands of red gold hair.


Once upon a time she had wildish lands and creatures.

She cared for them, and they protected her brave and well.

Her world had a fantastic balance between dark and light.


Once upon a time she missed her turn down the rabbit hole,

she ended up here, saved from a doofus in tinfoil by a

farmer king, armed with dark eyes and a loving heart.


Once upon a time she thought no more gifts could come.

She carried one beneath her heart and he became her joy.

Her world became complete when she saw her smile in their eyes.


Once upon a time she ached for a dragon night flight.

She soaked in the tub, sat by the fire and was shocked.

Her life, in both realms, had magic and power. Complete.


For the Faery Tale (Once upon a time) prompt at dVerse.



A long goodbye

Carrying this burden under my heart.

Seems so heavy compared to a babe.

Praying, dreaming, wishing and hoping.


Carrying this weight on my soul.

Seems so heavy, un-redeemed.

Praying, pleading, living and dying.


Carrying this secret in my hands.

Seems to be stained into the bones.

Washing, scrubbing, and hiding.


Carrying the pieces of a broken heart,

Seems to be falling through my

fingers, crying, weeping and sighing.


Carrying you is a burden I bear.

Seems I don’t mind the weight.

Loving, living, laughing and being.


Carrying is serving, it is what we do.

Seems He carries me first, who knew?

Redeeming, bleeding, rising and living.


Hope has feathered wings

Hope has feathered wings, but she doesn’t fly.

Fear has chilled bone fingers and they touch you.

Desire has glowing embers and flames, burn you down.

Faith anchors us deeply, not in an ocean or to a ship.

Love has no features to see but shows itself clearly.


Hope uses her feathers and wings to brush our souls.

Fear is brushed away under her wings, chill fades away.

Desire has the embers flown to flame or smothered down too.

Faith is our anchor, Hope lifts us to see the face of the Son.

Love, featureless, most powerful of all, is present in all.


Hope brushes my soul with her wings, and I tremble.

Fear loses the chill fingered touch under those wings strong.

Desire, with each wing beat, finds a rhythm that is life living.

Faith anchors the soul to God, no one can render us apart.

Love, binding with silken strands, weaves a nest for hope.


Hope, wing’d and feathered, does not fly but lets us soar!

Fear, chills us and drives us to the warmth of flames found.

Desire can warm or burn but without the fanning the flames die.

Faith anchors and is the only one who can work alone.

Love, cannot be without and must be within, it is all.


For Poets United and Poetry Jam.  copyright 2012 Shanyn Silinski

Tanka Trio


Loving you is easy.

Some days near and some afar.

Missing you is pain.

Some days missing you going,

Some days missing you long gone.



Streams are thawing,

Trees bare limb’d ache to leaf.

Birds come, earth wakes.

Dirty feet and paws leave tracks

Floors lose the battle for clean.



She aches to dance

music moves her body and soul.

He sits by, unmoved.

Wonder who will regret it

more – her dance or his stillness?


linking up with the marvelous  Grace at With Real Toads for the Tanka Challenge.

Where are you

From Magpie Tales prompt.

Is that you that I see, dimly, upon this treacherous path?

Is that you that I can hear, faintly, calling me to catch up?

Where are you? Why aren’t you here to hold my hand? Read the rest of this entry »


We waited for years to party like it was 1999.

A decade after grad, and the year of my freedom

from the dead weight of a deadly marriage.


1999 the first year of new beginnings and

the last of the old millenium to be shed.

First sips of Dom Perignon at New Years.


Fighting fires, helping lost kids on their way back.

Feeling freedom and dancing on the prairies.

Driving the ’66 red New Yorker that hated me.


I had my ‘lost years’ behind me and was done.

Finding my voice again, my art, my poetry.

Dancing in lightness of mind, body and spirit.


Writing again, finding my words and my soul.

Dredging the depths of old despair for newness.

Washing me clean by walking miles and miles.


1999 was an interesting year, not how we imagined it would be when Prince sang that classic party anthem, but good none the less!  Copyright 2012 Shanyn Silinski.

Linking up on dVerse for the 1999 Challenge.

Not all who wander

my attempts at triolet, as challenged on dVerse.


Gandalf was quite correct when he said it,

“Not all who wander are lost” is wisdom.

Some who are lost, though, wander not.


Wandering , while not lost, is fraught

with dangers, more than you thought.

Bigger than a trap, perhaps your doom!


Gandalf was quite correct when he said it,

“Not all who wander are lost” is freedom.



The wolves come in the moonlight.

They are seeking food and water.

The dogs barking an unwelcome fit.


The wolves and the cows have it

an uneasy truce every day and night.

They fight not, peace no slaughter.


The wolves come in the moonlight.

They are seeking the moon’s laughter.

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