Colors of change



They say fall’s colors are summer’s last smile before winter comes.

They say change is part of the natural order of things, it is life.

They say colors are in the eye of the beholder, you and I.

Bright tropical hues are no match for the prairie fall.

The golden hues of harvest echoes against the

leaves that burn in the sunlight red, gold an’

yellow as gems in a pirate’s treasure horde.

Sunsets and sunrises stain the skies in

ways that only God’s angelic artists

could imagine. Blue skies stretch

endless across golden plains an’

clouds shade them from dark

to bright and the night! Oh

the northern lights they

dance and stretch

across the skies.



They say change is something we have to face, it is a part of life.

They say change colors us, and we see change through the

lens of our life, of our experience, of our rose colored

glasses. Love colored glasses. Pain colored glasses.

Stained dark or bright, nothing is as it it is but

it is always as we are. Hopeful or full of fear.

They say only the brave hold change in

their hands and shake it until they

get what they need from it.  The

rest of us just wait for the fall

of leaves, dreams and the

old waiting for the new

to arrive and show

us what the hue

of change is.


They say change comes every moment, every choice makes change.

Colors, they say, are not always seen the same. Animals, often

are blamed for being color blind but instead only see the

colors that matter most to them. Bulls bright orange.

Bees see the sweetest flowers and butterflies too.

Dogs see colors muted and not so bright but he

who has a nose that good doesn’t need red

or blue for life to be complete. Some tho

see the colors as warm or cold, heat

and light become color and then

my mind starts to wonder

at the reality of color

and the truth of

change. What

if it is all the

same and

we are




Thinking about color with Claudia for Poetics today at dVerse Poets, and as I watch the fall leaves and frozen apples hanging for birds to enjoy, I am thinking about colors and change. The bright hues of fall are our farewell before the monotones of winter, the bright contrasts of cold weather in the north, and yet change too is in us, and that is colored too – by our thoughts, ideas and experience. Going a bit deep perhaps but it is where my muse is leading me.


  1. claudia said,

    November 3, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    very cool where you went with this shanyn… esp. loved the part with the animals who see color differently and then the question of reality or is it just how we look at things…. love that you also brought change in… nothing is as constant as change – and nature gives us the best examples

    • shanyns said,

      November 5, 2013 at 9:17 pm

      🙂 Love your comment Claudia – so pleased you enjoyed the poem.

  2. aprille said,

    November 3, 2013 at 6:10 pm

    change is my bane in life. Not brave, me. A total coward who wants everything the same and predictable, Would like a dip in that pirate’s hoard though: I’ll have the white ones, you can have the rest 😉

    • shanyns said,

      November 5, 2013 at 9:18 pm

      🙂 We’ll dip and share then! Change is sometimes startling and sometimes it is orderly but it is life. And I can appreciate not liking it!

  3. Brian Miller said,

    November 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm

    what if it is all the same and we are just…change is inevitable…but we do help guide its flow with the choices that we make…it is very intriguing that two people (or animals) can look a tthe same thing and see two different things….

    • shanyns said,

      November 5, 2013 at 9:19 pm

      It is, isn’t it? We see it in accident reports so often. We can change the flow, or maybe alter the course of the river slightly, but it always moves on with or without us. Thanks for coming by Brian.

  4. Mary said,

    November 3, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    Love the depth of this poem: color and change and how they are related. This is a poem to read and reread, one to ponder. Each time it is read something new stands out. Fine writing, Shanyn.

    • shanyns said,

      November 5, 2013 at 9:20 pm

      Oh thank you so much Mary! 🙂 I appreciate your words so much.

  5. November 3, 2013 at 8:22 pm

    “it” . The last, lacking, word, in my mind, is “it” – “in the eye of the beholder”. Which I would not disagree on. Some eyes give light and some eyes give darkness. Jesus told us. So let us rejoice really seeing the beauty of fall taking all kinds of wonderful colours, ending life.

    You know, Shanyn, I am not a fan of unformed writings. But you have here made up your own form, and it is funny. Nicely done.

    • shanyns said,

      November 5, 2013 at 9:15 pm

      Thank you…I appreciate your stopping by and leaving your thoughts.

  6. November 4, 2013 at 12:46 am

    Change is everywhere and so are the colors changing and fading ~ Good to see you & have a good week ahead ~

  7. November 4, 2013 at 12:52 am

    Shanyn – I love the thoughts on change thru out – especially loved the love colored glasses pain colored glasses – a poem as beautiful as the prairie in autumn – K

  8. lynndiane said,

    November 4, 2013 at 7:05 pm

    A colorful, well-formed write (like the photo as well) ! I read this to my young teen boys and it started quite a discussion…thanks 🙂

  9. Akila said,

    November 5, 2013 at 6:00 am

    This read so much in tandem with the autumn’s play

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